
查看完整版本: Panasonic 宣示:決不退出全球電漿及液晶電視市場

小建 2013-4-13 10:47

Panasonic 宣示:決不退出全球電漿及液晶電視市場



By Tyler Lee

Back in March, we reported that according to rumors, Panasonic could be pulling out of the plasma TV market and it seems that has been confirmed by the company’s vice president, Kiyoshi Okamoto.

Okamoto revealed that the company’s latest plasma TV, [color=Blue][b]the ZT60, will be the last and best plasma panel that will be coming out of the company’s R&D department[/b][/color].

However [color=Blue][b]he did state that what this meant was that while R&D of plasma panels would be ceased, production of the devices are expected to continue well into 2014[/b][/color], claiming that they have a responsibility to their customers, and naturally so.

The Verge asked Okamoto if there were plans to bring R&D for plasma back into action one day, but Okamoto denied those plans, claiming that some of their plasma engineers have already been shifted to the OLED department which Panasonic plans to eventually replace its plasma lineup. Plasma TVs were definitely popular back in the day, so in a way it is a bit sad to see an era come to an end, especially since reports have indicated that shipments of plasma have dropped by 23% year-over-year in 2012, compared to the 1% drop for LCD (via NPD).




By Jon Fingas
Apr 12th, 2013 at 2:56 PM

A certain demographic of home theater connoisseurs has fretted for a few weeks over talk that Panasonic might end plasma TV production and research -- would viewers have to resort to anything so vulgar as... an LCD? No, Panasonic says. Despite earlier claims of frozen development, the company's merchandising VP Henry Hauser is emphatic that there remains "room for further improvement" in the plasma realm, and that Panasonic fully intends to develop upgrades. The Viera ZT series we saw at CES will be a launchpad for future work, according to the executive. Hauser's full statement awaits after the break if there are any lingering doubts; for now, it appears that Panasonic values plasma's distinct qualities as much as the next basement movie maven.

    [b]"Reports that Panasonic will no longer develop and manufacture Plasma HDTVs are not correct.

    "This week in New York City, Panasonic demonstrated the latest development of our gapless Plasma panel technology in our 2013 Smart VIERA ZT Series Plasma HDTV. The technology incorporated into our ZT Series Studio Master Panel will be the basis for continued plasma display panel development and production.

   While the Smart VIERA [color=Red]ZT Series introduces a new level of Plasma picture quality, we believe there is still room for further improvement and intend to continue to research ways to take our Plasma technology to even higher levels[/color] where it also has the potential to be applied in our other Plasma series in the future.

    "VIERA Plasma HDTVs continue to set the standard for picture quality and black level excellence and the ZT Series is another example of the continued ability of Plasma to evolve and continue to deliver a best-in-class HDTV."[/b]




2013-04-13 02:22








小建 2013-4-13 10:53

(圖片取自 [url=http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=503308426393485&set=a.503308403060154.1073741825.314086601982336&type=1&theater]Panasonic Taiwan Facebook[/url])


1、Panasonic ZT60系列的『[color=Blue][b]Studio Master Panel[/b][/color]』有卓越與頂級的畫質表現,Panasonic 似乎不捨得輕易收手。

2、Panasonic的研發資源有一部份撥至研發OLED產品線,但仍保留部分針對Studio Master面板繼續研發改進。(當然此改盡可能包含畫質/耗電量/成本等各方面;但面板主核心組成技術應該不動)




ahph 2013-4-13 11:11


lbmnt441 2013-4-13 11:34


michaelpai 2013-4-13 11:36



Lysandria 2013-4-13 12:36


pie1394 2013-4-13 13:04


今年 & 明年還要賣相關產品, 榨出相關業務的最後剩餘價值的狀況, 笨蛋才會那麼早就承認說已經中止這個產品線的新技術開發...

原因很簡單, 會讓電漿電視業績本來就已經達不到預定目標的狀況, 更雪上加霜~~~

之前消息會那麼快曝光, 用小腦想也知道, 要被裁掉, 而不是轉戰 OLED or 其他事業部門的人, 有危機意識之下, 放出來的消息... 尤其是那種同一個東西做太久, 年紀也已經中年, 很難轉戰新領域技術的人~~~

weivanguard 2013-4-13 14:05

只希望明年台松會盡最頂級的ZT電漿 還有如今年VT級的55"電漿

還有 希望台松可以增強其銷售功力 每次去燦坤全國電子都只有少少的一、兩台液晶電視 是要怎麼賣贏人家一整面牆七八台的S牌?{生氣}

話說我家那台畫王何時可以讓我有機會看電漿? 如果明年沒得換就只能LED了 歐不!@@

Lysandria 2013-4-13 14:19

60" 65"ZT這些的

[[i] 本文最後由 Lysandria 於 2013-4-13 14:22 編輯 [/i]]

armani662000 2013-4-13 15:14



[[i] 本文最後由 armani662000 於 2013-4-13 15:17 編輯 [/i]]

vixyao 2013-4-13 15:20


"Reports that Panasonic will no longer develop and manufacture Plasma HDTVs are not correct.

"This week in New York City, Panasonic demonstrated the latest development of our gapless Plasma panel technology in our 2013 Smart VIERA ZT Series Plasma HDTV. The technology incorporated into our ZT Series Studio Master Panel will be the basis for continued plasma display panel development and production. While the Smart VIERA ZT Series introduces a new level of Plasma picture quality, we believe there is still room for further improvement and intend to continue to research ways to take our Plasma technology to even higher levels where it also has the potential to be applied in our other Plasma series in the future.

"VIERA Plasma HDTVs continue to set the standard for picture quality and black level excellence and the ZT Series is another example of the continued ability of Plasma to evolve and continue to deliver a best-in-class HDTV."

星野純 2013-4-14 00:13

Panasonic 粉碎終止電漿電視業務的傳聞

Panasonic 粉碎終止電漿電視業務的傳聞
由 Marco So 於 10 hours 之前發表

雖然早前 Panasonic 的改組計劃中依然會保留電視業務,可是不代表澄清了終止或凍結電漿電視業務的傳聞呢。直到今天他們終於發聲明澄清一切啦。公司的 VP Henry Hauser 表示這些傳聞並不正確,強調電漿電視的領域依然有改善的空間,Panasonic 很有心去繼續發展,我們在 CES 上看見的 Smart Viera ZT 系列就是策略的「頭炮」了。在未來,他們除了會繼續發展 ZT 系列之外,也有機會將它的技術帶到其他系列的電漿電視之上。大家可以在引用來源找到英文聲明的全文。


小建 2013-4-14 00:19

[b][color=Blue]2013年 - 台灣松下電漿/液晶電視產品資訊發佈[/color][/b]

{拍手} {拍手} {拍手}

tmjordan 2013-4-15 11:02


michaelpai 2013-4-15 19:12

我在奇摩超級商城看過有人賣,,by order需等一個月

小建 2013-4-20 23:32

LG電子:OLED TV於南韓開賣2個月僅賣出約200台



TechRadar報導,LG電子(LG Electronics Inc.)家庭娛樂產品通訊部門主管Hugo Shin 16日在一場科技討論會上表示,旗下OLED TV自2月於南韓開賣迄今僅賣出了200台左右。[color=Red]他認為,這些電視至少還要再等2-3年價格才能降到與當今高階LED TV相同的水位[/color]。



看到OLED的瓶頸和這種高貴的價錢... 我誠心地期待電漿電視還可以撐住中高階影音電視的寶座啊~  {戴墨鏡}

pie1394 2013-4-21 13:19

"頭殼壞去" or "錢對他來說不是問題"的人, 才會在這種年代, 花那樣的錢買 55" 的電視~~~

老實說光花超過 10 萬買一台 65HX920, 就已經嚇到身旁很多朋友了...
口袋比我深, 買得起更高級電視的人一堆, 但沒有一個人會想花這樣的價位去買大尺寸的電視...
更不用說高階 4K / OLED 想要販售的價格...

小建 2013-4-26 19:34

[quote]原文由 [i]pie1394[/i] 於 2013-4-21 13:19 發表 [url=http://forum.zhe-feng.com.tw/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=58438&ptid=3541][img]http://forum.zhe-feng.com.tw/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
老實說光花超過 10 萬買一台 65HX920, 就已經嚇到身旁很多朋友了...
口袋比我深, 買得起更高級電視的人一堆, 但沒有一個人會想花這樣的價位去買大尺寸的電視...
更不用說高階 4K / OLED 想要販售的價格...... [/quote]
難怪 Sony 這幾天的4K電視發表會,都沒公布價錢... {頭暈眼花}

weivanguard 2013-4-26 19:56

據說55"就要16萬 不如買Panasonic65"電漿

gerrylin 2013-5-12 12:49

燦坤網站上的照片跟標示的型號居然不一致,蠻奇怪的 !
印象中LG的OLED技術跟其他廠商的OLED不太一樣,因為它有CF(彩色濾光片)跟LCD一樣,也就是OLED發白光,非RGB三原色的光 !
價錢問題還是要時間,當初Panasonic 電漿上市時,Full HD 規格,42吋一台要價32萬台幣,個人還跑去看展示,看到那畫質也只能流口水了 !
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查看完整版本: Panasonic 宣示:決不退出全球電漿及液晶電視市場