
增進電視畫質 : Introduction to the Campaign

增進電視畫質 : Introduction to the Campaign


Major TV manufacturers, retailers and standards specialists agree with us that everyone should get the most from their TVs. We have listed our campaign supporters on the right.

We invite you to follow our simple guides to improve your TV pictures. And then do it for your family and friends, too. And we want you to tell everyone you know to follow our guides so that as many people as possible are getting a better TV picture.

Ready to start? Go to Step 1.



Picture Perfect: Step 2


To start, let's take a look at the various image processing features that are on most modern TVs. This is obviously a general guide, so not all TVs will have these features and not all manufacturers use the same names but hopefully you will get an understanding for how these features work.

The reality is that whilst these features might sound useful, they don’t necessarily improve your TV picture. Sometimes they actually introduce mistakes into the image.